Since 2014, Ultimate Builders have successfully delivered hundreds of homes to families across New Zealand.
We give our clients the benefits of a smaller, more personal approach to building and development. We take pride in the relationships we build and enjoy working with clients to make the building process enjoyable and stress-free. When you build with us, you will work face to face with the team that is putting your new-home dream together.

The first step is critical to the success of the build so we set off how we aim to continue. With an eye for detail and vast experience in the consent process, our team ensures things are done right the first time, minimising both cost and hassle.
This step is all about working together to lodge plans with Council that tick all the right boxes. There are many decisions to make and our experts will guide you through the benefits of each option.
Once you’ve chosen your Ultimate Plan (and paid your deposit) the real fun can start.
Our Team

Paula Wallace
- New Home Consultant
- Phone:027 598 6796

Karyn Lambert
- Design and Build Sales Consultant
- Phone:021 775 787

Matt Crum
- Site Manager BOP
- Phone:021 244 4419
Mikeala Gorman
- Construction Administrator
- Phone:021821546

Robyn Spong
- Communications and Marketing Lead
- Phone:0508 246 637

Sophie Paterson
- Sales Consultant Canterbury
- Phone:021 901 622